CSSR Research Hubs

What is a research hub?

Central to the vision of the Center for Social Science Research (CSSR), research hubs are organized based on core areas of research specialization. In these hubs, faculty, students and alumni have opportunity to pursue individual research and conduct collaborative research projects, network, workshop current work, and engage in open dialogue. Currently, the research hubs include Education & Health, Global South, Movement Engaged and Urban.

How can students get involved?

We envision the CSSR hubs as opportunities for students to work directly with faculty on research projects in fields related to their theses and dissertations. Students hone skills in different research methods, learn about the process of grant writing, and conducting ethical and effective social science research, while also developing expertise and knowledge in substantive fields in the social sciences.  

How can alumni get involved?

Many of our students and alumni work in public or private research organizations in DC and beyond. CSSR research hubs are spaces to form a durable student/alumni/faculty network, link academic and applied sociology, support resilient community organizations, enhance students’ and alumni early-career professional development, and further our commitment to public social science. Sociology Ph.D. alumni may request to affiliate with CSSR to support research and professional development.